Postgraduate Students
Bharat Bhushan
Contact Details |
Bharat Bhushan
PhD Student
Ph: +61-2-9351 4337
Fax: +61-2-9351 2854
Email: bharat@chem.eng.usyd.edu.au
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW, 2006
Project |
An Integrated Intelligent System based on AI techniques for Total Process Control and Supervision
Advancement in information technology, have resulted in generation of large amount of process data, still
the task of interpreting and analysing is difficult. Many methodologies and technologies are available
for various phases for the operational support. But since all the phases are inter-dependant, the
requirement is to develop an integrated system. Also, these applications are limited only to low level
decision support. The operators have difficulties in understanding the theories behind these methodologies
and the result generated by these applications. This decreases the usage of the developed system.
The objective of this work is to develop an Integrated Intelligent System for total Process Control and
Supervision in real-time environment. This will include Fault Diagnosis, Process Recovery and Process
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Introduction to Process Control, Second Edition
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