Personnel > Research Staff > Rob Willis
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Rob Willis
Research Staff
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Ph: +1-225-578-1419
Fax: +1-225-578-1476
Department of Chemical Engineering
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA, 70803
A novel architecture for the implementation of advanced supervisory control strategies

Proposed is a novel architecture for the implementation of advanced supervisory monitoring and control. This architecture will provide seamless communication between software, hardware and instrumentation, regardless of the manufacturer. Secondly, and complimentary to the novel architecture, is the proposed development of sensors and instrumentation with capability of embedding intelligence. These 'smart' sensors when grouped together will form networks with distributed intelligence. Alternatively, the networks of 'smart' sensors will be governed by supervisory decisive master nodes. The 'smart' sensors and instrumentation will be designed to integrate into the proposed architecture, and both new and existing industrial applications and environments.

A Federated Sensor Network Architecture for Distributed Data Analysis

The objective of profitable operation in today’s manufacturing plants is intimately tied to the multi-level management of information regarding supply-chains, physical assets and personnel deployment that requires a nimble, robust and efficient plant environment. Such an environment ensures persistent quality of products, and, by properly managing abnormal operating situations, is expected to respond vigorously to potential threats to the environment and the safety of the personnel and the community at large. The paradigm of proactive information management fundamentally relies on the underlying sensor network that collects and communicates the pertinent process data to appropriate levels within the plant and the enterprise hierarchy. The ability of the sensor network to respond to this challenge is being greatly enhanced by recent breakthroughs in microprocessors-based instrumentation and digital communications that enable the sensors with new functionality and smart sensing capabilities.

The proposed research is based on the concept of federated processing, which deals with multiple processors encapsulated in one machine or system. Federated sensor networks are autonomous, distributed and cooperating entities. In other words, they work autonomously towards their individual goals; they are distributed into different parts of a system or machine and they participate in real-time collaboration to reach the common (system) goal. Such an environment provides a radical shift in the way information management has been perceived and practiced within a manufacturing plant. The complex tasks of plant-wide monitoring, fault assignment and prevention of abnormal events become a realistic, achievable goal.

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