Personnel > Postgraduate Students > Ronald Chew
Contact Details
Ronald Chew
MS Student
Ph: +61-2-9351 4337
Fax: +61-2-9351 2854
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW, 2006
Intelligent Process Monitoring and Control of Polymerisation Reactor Using Integrated Soft Sensors
This project investigates several different aspects involved in the advanced control of a pilot-scale co-polymerisation reactor facility.

The G2TM Real-Time Expert System is used to develop a decision support system for the advance operation of this polymerisation process. A DCS platform was developed using a proprietary system called Honeywell PlantScapeŽ. This system is linked via MS-Excel using network API coding for data acquisition. G2 then monitors the data and plant behaviour for diagnostic supports and provide corrective measures as pre-determined by the operator. G2 additionally ensures that on-line simulation data are operational throughout the experimental run. As of current, an on-line recipe preparation framework is also implemented using G2.
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