Facilities > Flexible Twin Reactor System (Webplant)
The Webplant forms the basis of our generic systems plant. The experimental rig has been fabricated using modular design, which allows the running of numerous plant configurations. Coupled with the modular design, the control system has been designed to provide both real plant control integrated with internal simulation of reaction (Soft reaction).

The system has been in use by our combined first year enrollments, running a soap production experiment, which involves real flows, temperatures and level while simulating the reaction. The program has proven to be extremely popular.

Plant monitoring and control has also been developed through any standard web browser. The plant consists of two jacked reactors, a mixer and feed tank. Figure 1 shows a PID of the system.
Webplant Plant Webplant Plant Webplant Plant
Control System
A Schneider Electric Quantum PLC provides process control and web based access to the plant. Control structure is predominantly a combination of structure text and function blocks providing a hybrid environment on which a reaction can be simulated and interact with a real process.(Paper)

Students use a local Citect client (SCADA system) to monitor and control the process. Plant information is also collected through an OPC server and OSI PI system.
Click on the thumnail images below to view a larger.
Webplant Control Webplant Control Webplant Control
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